Sunday, May 9, 2010

Isn't Gas Expensive Enough Already?

By now, everyone is keenly aware of the environmental issue coming to fruition in the Gulf Mexico. There are a couple lessons to be learned from this and the first and foremost would be to require safety valves similar to the ones used by nearly all other oil rigs around the world, be utilized in rigs off the American coast. Had this valve been in place, you can bet your ass we wouldn't have an oil spill that's being compared to the Mobile Valdez catastrophe. The second edifying lesson is, that we shouldn't turn our back on off shore drilling at the first sign of adversity. Imagine if we had turned our back on space exploration after the first failed mission? Barack Obama needs to heed this as a warning and a lesson learned, he should not back down from another energy initiative. Have you noticed the lack of Ethanol rhetoric? (thank god)

I think we can all agree, that offshore drilling isn't the answer to our long term energy needs. It's a shortsighted stop-gap with a couple potential positives. It isn't deepening the pockets of Middle Eastern OPEC members while simultaneously helping alleviate the American people of high energy costs. This exploration is, at the very minimum, worth a second try.

I've been impressed with BP's response to this dire emergency. They've submitted to both incur all spill related costs, which includes lost pay for those employed by the sea. In addition, BP has spear-headed the effort to thwart the dissemination of oil towards land. My question for those reading is, did Obama act in a timely and presidential manner? Does this represent his hurricane Katrina?

In contrast, when the administration did decide to act, I was impressed with the President's hard nosed stance towards this natural disaster. His resolve that all responsibility fall on BP, was nothing short of valiant. Discourse outlining the effort was strong and decisive in a way I haven't seen from Obama, since the primaries. This may be due to perceived pressure felt from his own party and from the right that he needs to rule with an iron fist. His passive response to international spats has many, including myself, questioning the pose in which he administrates. This should have been a home run, a hasty contingency plan employed resulting in Obama looking like a friend to the oil industry and a savior to mother earth. Instead, in my eyes he's in no better a place than he was before. No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I speak

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