Friday, April 30, 2010

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

For those that voted for Barack Obama, has he turned out to be the president you thought he would? Or more simply, is he adhering to the agenda originally proposed to his constituents? I didn't vote for him and I wasn't excited about some of his policy stances, largely energy related, and he's turned out to be more moderate than I ever expected. Some of that, could be attributed to the upcoming mid-term elections and the realization he may be losing some of his liberal cronies. By taking a more central demeanor, he's appeasing both sides of the political sphere, specifically one group that's growing quickly-moderate independents, a group that I most closely identify.

I also didn't put him on a pedestal, portraying him as the Jesus of politics. It's no surprise to me that many are disapointed with the results of his first year and a half in office. When you create such lofty expectations for one man, what do you expect? He's not going to revolutinize the poltical system through some liberal coup, so forget it. What many don't seem to understand is, thirty years ago, Barack Obama would be a moderate republican. Recently, I was listening to a podcast on this topic and I couldn't help but agree with this epiphany. Think about it, Offshore drilling? Nuclear energy expansion? Sounds like a republican to me and I haven't even addressed our military aspirations. His liberal social policies mixed with his recent open minded energy position, has me thinking, don't Barack Obama and John McCain have a lot in common? Would my vote, going to either party, have created the same result in terms of policies? Quite possibly, yes.

Just as an example, Justice Stevens of the Supreme Court, recently retired will be replaced in the near future, was thought to be the liberal lion of the supreme court. A very little known nugget of information is, that he's a Republican. This demonstrates exactly the quagmire created by constantly shifting political ilks.

Is Barack Obama a great president? No, at least not yet. His vacillating motivations and his less than hard-nosed foreign affairs attitude concerns me. Could he be great? Absolutely. One of his greatest qualities is his potential for an illustrious career and to right the ship of American politics. He ran on three pillars during the election, he's partially completed one and with a democratic congress that's about to lose a few friendly seats, I don't see him ramming the others through, especially in a single term. Guantanamo Bay is open and we still have troops in multiple Middle Eastern countries. Regardless of these hardships, there are certain intangibles that make him a man of magnanimous importance, his charisma and regal nature, to name a few. For now, I'm more impressed by his rhetoric and persuasive prowess and less by actual political action. Let's see if he can change my view. No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I speak

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can You Be Addicted to Premium Cable?

No secret to anyone that knows me, I love premium television shows. Its not the Taxi Cab Confessions or Strip Club Divas, its premium shows with running plots that draw my attention and admiration. There are two in particular everyone should see, Californication and Dexter. Hands down, two of the best currently running shows on television. I might go as far as to say that they are two of the best shows ever. Premium television has far better writers, deeper pockets, and as results show, spawn cinematic masterpieces. If you don't have cable, join us in the 21st century, sack up, and have it installed. You'll thank me later.

Californication, for those that haven't seen it, follows the life of a New York writer living in Los Angeles. He's a rocker, a father, and a lazy writer with an attitude on the brink of stolid. It focuses on his struggles with living the family life and his un-relenting thirst for random fornication. A coming of age tale, depicting the arduous maturation process of moving from a man-child to a nurturing parent, capable of supporting those that care for him. His inner battle and egocentric behavior directly contends with the family that always takes him back. A mix of sexual inuendos and deadpan humor, this show is a hit.

I can't help but think that this role isn't much of a stretch for Duchovny. Is he truly acting? In my opinion, he's getting to live his dream life, through a medium that won't land him in the tabloids or in jail. This guy is a horn-dog that would most likely would hump your leg in public if it weren't for the paparazzi constantly watching him like hawks, hoping for some type of sexual indiscretion. Don't get me wrong, I find myself empathising with his situation and his reclusive outlook on life, not to mention his bold skill of saying whatever he wants, when he wants. I relate with the Hell's Angels at times, so that might indicate I'm just as crazy.

I digress, two supporting characters make this show possible. One is Duchovny's love interest, who is so strikingly and seductively beautiful it's hard to look away, and the wily talent agent, making textbook mistakes at ever turn while simultaneously playing lap dog companion to Duchovany's character. The side plot that follows his deteriorating marriage is almost as enthralling as the family dynamic seen in David's life. Without these two, the show would not be what it is. The scenarios depicted are blatantly bold and outlandish, they dare go where most shows will not. It's so perverse, I can only assume the writers are living their dreams vicariously. Dropping this summer will be a new season, highly anticipated by me and I can imagine, many others. If you haven't already, rent an episode, sign up for cable, either way it would behoove you not to miss this one.

Dexter is about a sociopath working for the Miami Police Department. He uses his convenient status as a blood spatter analyst to research killers which he subsequently tracks down and murders himself, in a traditionally sacrificial manner. The obsessive compulsive behavior present in his work is also evident in his punitive, rogue activism, or is it the other way around? He uses death as a mental release from the boredom that surrounds his seemingly pristine and taciturn day-to-day life. The problem Dexter realizes early in his life is his unique numbness to the realm of human emotions. Killing is his only act based on emotive urges.

You find yourself cheering for a Dexter regardless of his carnal addictions. The rationalization used is, to some, logical. He's doing something that the legal and criminal system is un-willing to do. I can't help but agree with him-some people deserve to die. You won't see me out there in a black cape, swinging from buildings anytime soon, as a staunch pacifist it might conflict with my life mantra.

Dexter differs from Californication in a few different ways. One is that, you feel alone with Dexter. His narration of the show creates a sense that you are inside his head, adding dramatic irony. You're informed of vital tid bits that the other characters are un aware of. His secondary life and world exists in his head for a majority of the show, that is, until he's able to slip away for a moment of murderous indulgence. Some people say they don't want to watch it, due to its drab theme, to those I respond, it actually has comedic value sometimes dark in nature, but humor none the less. This show has something for everyone, humor, suspense, action, and throws a curve ball at the exact moment when you think you have the plot pegged.

In conclusion, if you're looking to add new shows to your viewing repertoire, these two should be on the top of your list. They are commercial free and don't adhere to the same censorship rules as prime time television. Is anyone else excited for the return of Entourage, Hung, and True Blood this summer? I am. Sunday nights are something to look forward to once again. No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I Speak

Sunday, April 18, 2010

News Flash, John Kerry Lost

Recently, I was out driving and a car passed me, smeared with political bumper stickers and I thought to myself-what a moron. I found myself asking, why are these cars always the biggest pieces of shit on the road? You can always tell the mentally deficient members within each political party, they're the ones with bumper stickers. A saying comes to mind, "the loudest person the room, is also the weakest person in the room." I won't even address the educational gaps apparent in this issue.

Political t-shirts are equal in their ability to prove exactly how dumb the person is that's wearing it. Do you really need to wear your political agenda on your chest? I've heard of wearing your emotions on your sleeve. When did this apply to politics? I don't feel the need to force people to know my ideological leanings and I find people that do, extremely obnoxious. Get over yourself and keep politics within friends and family, or simply those that give a shit.

These aren't the appropriate forums to display your political standing. This group of people simply want attention or like to get into heated arguments about political policy with strangers on the street, either way its desperate. I still see idiots with John Kerry stickers, peeling and slightly sun dyed hanging from their dirty vehicles. Get a new fucking car or learn to scrape the sticker off, lazy-ass democrats. The difference is, that republicans know when they've lost and they remove the stickers appropriately.

Democrats leave the stickers on as a last act of defiance. Kerry, talk about the weakest, gold digging, vacillating, limousine-liberal. Is it just me, or does it say punch me in face on his forehead? And you know who I elect to do it, Maverick himself, John fucking McCain. I still assert that John McCain could have won the election in 2008. Before you jump all over me for this comment let me nuance this statement. Minus the gun touting moron from Alaska and had he stuck to his political temperament from the 2000 election he could have crushed Obama on the swing vote.

Sarah Palin was the first nail in the coffin for his campaign. It was like he was a ghost riding a car off a cliff. He had only met her twice before electing her as his Vice Presidential candidate. What happened to Mr. McCain? Were the Republican higher-ups slipping something into his coffee that made him tow the party line? It was like night and day with him, one day he's Luke Skywalker and the next he's Darth Vader taking a trip in the death star. I realize this article is all over the place and for that I don't apologize. No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I Speak

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sweet Home Colorado

"Boulder might be the closest a college town is to heaven - and not just because it is located at 5430 feet of rocky mountain high altitude. It is 27 square miles of relief from reality."

- Sports Illustrated

Sports Illustrated might not have been embellishing as much as many think. I had the pleasure of spending five years in boulder and I may just be a recent graduate relishing the college days that have passed me by, but in my mind there few towns that even come close. Two towns that I've heard rival Boulder are Austin, Texas and Eugene, Oregon and I hope to venture out there soon to check em' out. I recently left Boulder to see what else the world had to offer and in my opinion, Boulder trumps all. Let me tell you a few reasons why.

First I would like to say, those that speak ill of boulder are transparently bitter or just have forgotten how to have a good time. It's tough not to get consumed by the hedonistic opportunities at every corner. Each night, you could find an amazing bistro, followed by a wine or tequila bar with speciality drinks. Options are plentiful and run the gamut, ranging from The Kitchen, a European inspired restaurant, to Southern Sun Brewery, whose burgers could convert any staunch vegetarian. With over 500 bars and restaurants you'd be hard pressed to find yourself forced to eat at a chain, ubiquitous with many city eateries. Even if you did, there's always Chipotle, a Colorado based company, noted for it's fresh ingredients and high quality meats. Even the chain restaurants are better. There's a fast-food burger place that serves organic beef, does it get any better than that? Only in boulder can you justify eating fast-food, a town that most resembles heaven.

There are a few things that do irk some denizens: high taxes, the environmental police and a road system that is impossibly convoluted. Going east to west in Boulder is like getting to surf the internet un-censored in china. And sometimes the crazy liberal leftists and transient vagabond mountain-men make you wish that sterilization was legal.

Living there after college will most likely leave you poor and happy, over educated and under employed. In my mind, I'd take that any day. I'll see all soon, Boulderites!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Opening Day - RED SOX

I wouldn't be much of a fan if I didn't post something about Red Sox' opening day. We kick the season off tonight 8:05pm, at home, against the much hated bombers from the Bronx. This series has a way of setting a precedent for the rest of the season. If we drop all three games, the sportscasters will speculate our lack of offense is a concern. And, if we win, they will sing a very different tune about our much improved defense. What will be the outcome? My prediction is that the Red Sox will take two of three. The third game will be a run-fest, the evil empire coming out on top.

Being part of "Red Sox Nation" is more than wins and loses, its about tradition, fun, and the great American pastime. The players that compile this lineup truly enjoy playing the game. I have never seen a team with such camaraderie and rapport. Many of these players, most notably Youkilus and Pedroia, could have signed with other organizations for larger contracts. They chose to stay with the Red Sox for two reasons, one is that they want to win and the second, the magical atmosphere, that defines Fenway Park. The rustic ballpark, the die hard fans that come out rain or shine, and lets not forget Neil Diamond and Sweet Caroline. A feeling of family consists within this fan base that certainly doesn't exist within the superficial Yankee market.

That being said, anyone who says the Red Sox don't spend a lot on players is lying. We do spend a lot, just no where close to what the Yankees spend. They spent nearly $80 million more than we did last season and we haven't cracked the top three payrolls for years. Each season, the Red Sox make active moves to decrease their annual payroll to avoid excess taxes. Do you have any idea how many super stars you could get per season for 80 million dollars? You could have two more A-Rods with money to spare. What this tells me, is that the Yankees are overspending on talent that is undeserving. Basically, they don't think before they sign players and that their farm system is pretty much garbage. I can't help but rip on a team that I've hated for over twenty years. You rarely see the Yankees having fun when they play, its purely business for them. When the Sox take the field they're smiling, screwing around, basically expressing their keen understanding that baseball is a game to be enjoyed by everyone.

Tonight, the Red Sox will have a re-tooled defense and offense, the offense will rely largely on small ball. They won't be hitting as much for home runs, but for production of runs. This will come as a shock to those that are used to the home run hitting machines that won a World Series in 2004 and 2007. This in no way means that we can't win a championship. Look at what the Rays have done for years. They play small ball, steal bases, and manufacture runs. This type of baseball is highly affective, and hard to prevent unless you have lights out pitching, and even that can't prevent the bunt.

The hype surrounding our predicted run-production this season is overly hyperbolic and premature, lest we forget David Ortiz, JD Drew, and Youkilus, who all can hit for power. You can bet your ass that Cameron and Pedroia will add some HR's to the mix, as well. Jason Bay recently commented on the Red Sox, saying we were going to be fine. This coming after a less than amicable contract negotiation.

I truly believe we'll win more than ninety games this season. We don't need to win a 100 games to impress anyone. The last two times we won the World Series, we only won around ninety five games during the regular season. The Red Sox get things done, it may not be as pretty as the Yankees, but what fun would that be? We'll grind out runs, steal bases and have a great time doing it. The AL East is going to be an all out war zone this season and should prove to be fun to watch. GO RED SOX!!!!!!
No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I Speak

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Online Job Hunting

Getting a job online is about as probable as finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The application process is an abyss in which you throw your resume, a deep dark hole so impersonal that reply emails are few and far between. This is a caveat, if you may, for those that spend countless hours sending electronic resumes. My suggestion is, use every connection you never knew you had. Hit up friends from college, high school, hell even pre-school works. Your dog-walker knows a guy? Great! Jump all over that shit. The only potential issue I've noticed recently, is that with a spoiled job market, connections might not be enough to even land you an interview.

My father owns his own business and my mother is science related which means that my connections will never come from within my family. Sucks, right? So as of now, I'm right there in the abyss with you. No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I Speak

I Don't Want to Grow Up, I'm a Toy's R Us Kid

This morning, per usual, I was sitting on my stoop with a hot cup of Italian coffee and the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal. Much to my surprise, instead of being delivered my much anticipated Wall Street Journal, I received the Washington Post. Digesting this periodical folly took me a few minutes, pre-coffee consumption. Anyways once this idea settled, I pulled the paper from its plastic bag and was instantly tantalized by a front page article, a diatribe of Generation Y. Titillating as it was, I have a few questions for everyone. Why do historians and pundits feel it necessary to categorize age groups? It only muddies the water. These generational definitions are harder than ever to define. I find that many people have a hard time placing themselves in their own set categorization. What about the people that stand at the extreme ends of each generational group, that don't really associate? Are these people just floating around without their totally arbitrary marking? This aside, the article was analyzing work trends or, should I say weaknesses of the newly graduated workforce. It seems that many see us as lazy, demanding, and underachieving. We also would trade higher pay for more time off. Why can't we have both?

First and foremost, I'd like to say - go fist yourself, critics. Second, my generation is fully aware of the areas in which we need improvements, but thanks for pointing it out. We will find out bearings yet. In no doubt, this article was written by a baby boomer that's filling a position I should have, thanks again, asshole. It seems to me, and this may be totally trite, but our parents are totally to blame. They grew up with post WWII parents who smothered them with high demands and expectations for their children. They used their indoctrinated, hellish childhoods as cautionary tales for their own impending parenthood. We grew up in families with lower standards that didn't emphasize the same level of ethics and morals.

Ok, don't get me wrong, I didn't shit in my hand and smear it on the wall as a kid, I certainly had some hierarchy and discipline. Don't take this as my call for fascist austerity and I'm definitely not advocating corporal punishment. I do wish that my parents had been more clear about what I should be doing with my life. It in no way matched the militaristic structure many baby-boomers faced at home. Can you blame them for the counter-culture movement, Woodstock, and bell-bottom pants?

I can't draw the conclusion that we are just a product of our upbringing without discussing the influence media has on our sense of entitlement. Media targeted to our age group emphasizes get rich quick, retire young. As good little sheep we've tried to emulate this idea in whatever way is the quickest and easiest. Our apparent lack of moral and ethical responsibility, as this article specified, may bear some responsibility. Not only that, but we were once predicted to be a prolific generation with the rise of technology. Will the tool with which our skills are demanded , be the ultimate downfall of Generation Y? If our age group has a tech obsession, just wait for the tween generation, their like crack addicts about their toys.

This post is a perfect example of my penchant for rambling criticisms and somewhat perplexing statements. This article sent me off in a furry of thoughts and tangents. I couldn't help myself, they seem to have a finger on the pulse of our age group and we should all realize that post college employment will be a painful and agonizing integration of us and them. No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I Speak

Friday, April 2, 2010

Its a Fucking Pig, Not A Poodle

This post is in response to the people that are buying miniature pigs as pets. First, you are sick and second, get a fucking life.

Certain animals shouldn’t be domesticated. Specifically in this case, the miniature pig. Killer whales comes to mind as another animal that probably shouldn’t be put in an oversized pool while being poked and proded by handlers at sea world.They aren’t dogs, so stop trying to teach them tricks. The pig is an animal used for cultivation, slaughter, and consumption, nothing more.

They aren't a replacement for the man's best friend. They're traded as a commodity on the stock market, for crying out loud. This is one of the dumbest fads, since uggs and sweatpants. Just wait until your pet pig decides to eat all your shoes, shit in your dishwasher and use your toilet as a troth. You’ll be thinking less about adopting one and more about turning the little fucker into bacon and pork chops. Just buy a fucking dog or cat like everyone else and stop trying to be trendy. No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I speak