Friday, March 26, 2010

Gay or Straight, I Still See a Soldier

I know I promised a blog about the Prius, but I couldn't help myself when it came to the Don't Ask Don't Tell rule in the military. Why is it when we are fighting multiple wars, altering health care and working towards non-nuclear proliferation do we have a struggle for equal opportunity in the armed forces? This should be an easy open and closed case. Everyone should be able to serve, transvestites and all.

Could it be the perceived, and stereotyped, femininity that causes people to be uncomfortable with them protecting our country? Does theirs limp wrists impede their rifle holding skills? Of course not, its people's ignorance and inability to adapt the system. I can't help but assume that this topic might hit too close to home for many Americans,due to their own repressed homosexual fantasies. Gay men aren't attracted to every man that passes by, just like straight men aren't attracted to every woman. Look at that, there are some comparisons to made between gay and straight men. Their homosexuals, not rapist-lets get that into prospective.

I bet if you did an honest anonymous pole, the percentage of closeted gays within the military outpaced that of the entire population. Homosexuals as a group tend to be more masculine than their hetero counter parts, not to mention more wealthy, which I can only attribute to a higher IQ and intelligence level. Why wouldn't we want these individuals in the military? I say more the merrier. No joke intended. Embrace their strengths. Don't publicly shame them in a way that most closely mimics witch hunts.

Occurrence of female rape, within the military, is so high that a woman soldier is more likely to be raped then shot in battle. And these are the accounts that are actually reported. With homosexuals there is absolutely no chance this could happen. A random and probably inconsequential comparison. Everyone man and woman should have the right to fight for Fight for their country, regardless of sexual orientation. Gay or straight if these crazy fucks want to step in front of a bullet, I say let them, because I'm sure as hell not about to volunteer.

You'd think with the tarnished image the military has, they'd be licking their wounds, not further degrading what's left of their public image. What are they worried about? A little grab ass, hanky panky in the barracks at night? I pose that some of the straight soldiers may be threatened because of the minute chance that a homosexual could do their jobs as well, if not better. Imagine that, they're human too. Or, could it be the religious association of military and god (I refuse to capitalize this.) Once again we see the poisonous hand of religion destroying a great American institution, our hegemonic facilitator.

Are we going to limit someones public life due to what they choose to do in the confines of their own home? Not to mention, that their sexual orientation doesn't affect anyone negatively. We should ashamed, dictating what's acceptable. I pose this challenge, provide one example of negative effects perpetrated by a gay officer. Can't come up with one? Figures. My mantra is as long as it doesn't adversely affect me, it's your business. You know what most likely does cause negative effects, repressed sexual feelings. Catholic priests anyone? They're in a significant limbo because of sexual discrimination similar to what is enforced in the military.

As a military officer, nothing you say is private, even to a lawyer a priest or a doctor. This doesn't leave a lot of non bias people to confide in. This pensive can could very likely be connected to the bloated suicide rate we are experiencing in the military. All this because some bigoted hypocrites Decided that they didn't want gays in the armed forces? It's such an arcane law, a relic of times long past fortified by a religious group that's likely to become extinct due to elicit sexual perversions perpetrated by it's ambassadors of faith.

Soldiers are going to be gay, people are going to openly smoke weed, and the American people aren't silently going to be indoctrinated anymore. Instead of segregating into groups, we need to work as one solid body, especially in a world with rogue countries such as Iran and North Korea, fighting wars on two fronts, a feat most military men thought to be impossible. The military used to be able to say fuck you, and alienate anyone they wanted. This has changed and it's a harsh reality that's going to come crashing down on them if they don't strive for some sense of equality.

The clouds of public opinion are gathering, signifying a unified opposition to blatantly bigoted laws. One of the highest ranking military officials already backed the repeal of this law, on record, leading to the current "more lenient" status, whatever that dubious statement might mean in bureaucrat speak. I feel like these euphemisms are an insult to my intelligence. Just say what you mean, you aren't ready to drop the law but you want to seem like you're actually doing something to appease the people that actually have hearts and brains. That was easy, wasn't it?

I mean shit, we can clone animals, we can travel to space, we can even do full-face transplants, why are their such inconsistencies within our democracy? We can wrap our heads around just about anything, but the second a person of a different sexual orientation wants to help defend the country, fuck them? And the don't ask don't tell rule??? Who came up with the name? Are we playing fucking hide and seek? What grade are we in? Shooting range after recess, I call the M4! No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I Speak


  1. The problem with this article is that by arguing the merits for having gay soldiers it is vindicating the argument that the military has put together for Don't ask, Don't tell, as it qualifies a debate. It is simply discrimination period, there is no need for other arguments.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's very true. I guess I didn't really think I needed to point that out. In no way, did I intend to draw away from the fact that its a blaring form of discrimination and resembles civil rights infractions that African Americans faced post 1865.

  4. Also, its more fun to point out the laughable reasons people perceive them unfit for combat and service.

  5. yes those reasons are very funny, and should be pointed out for comedic purpose.
