Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care, Idiot

Ok, so I thought I should post a quick something about the passage of the health care bill, as it will have a momentous effect on how federal money is used in the years to come. This legislative process reminds me of two kids fighting over a communal toy. It's become a battle between two groups that are supposed to, and I say that lightly, be working as one unit for the collective good. Does that sound anything like what we've been seeing within the House of Representatives and the Senate? Absolutely fucking not! These highly educated people are acting in a manner that, I'm embarrassed to say, borders on juvenile. Now that I've officially berated these public SERVANTS, I can get to the meat of this.

I'll never claim to have a full understanding of this 2000 page bill and all the little nitty, gritty details that pander to each representatives constituents, but I can give my honest opinion about where this is heading and what I think.

First I would like to say that medical legislation shouldn't be tallied up like some moral and ethical victory for the democrats. This isn't about politicians, its about the blue collar Americans that are sick and need help. The Democrat's, either you're with us, or against us mentality borders on, what many call "liberal-fascism." I don't enjoy having something forced down my throat, that in no way can be perceived as a black and white issue. So don't make me feel that way. One thing that's definitely black and white, is that there are serious flaws in our health care system. I point to countries of far less wealth and organization that rank way above the USA in medical standards. How can this be? You can point fingers and spout meaningless epithets, but this must be universally accepted and recognized as completely unacceptable. Now that I've made that clear, there are a few more things that I need to say to each political party in the wake of their extremist polarization.

The Democrats shouldn't be using the signing of this bill as a big fuck you to the Republican party. We know you don't along. These visceral emotions do nothing but further infuriate the American people that already view the two houses as sick and dysfunctional, so stop fueling the fire. Remember that, for at least the near future (mid term elections), you're going to have to work with these people as a unified body.

To the Republicans, don't see this as a lost battle. Try to work with what legislation has passed to represent the people of your states and districts. The Founding Fathers intended for the political process to be an enthralling act, filled with dissention and angst. If we didn't argue and fight, this country wouldn't be the amazing interconnected organism it currently is. Some of the greatest minds of our time have worked to fix the medical programs in America. I admit, it definitely isn't perfect and may never be, but standing back and watching it fail and saying "I told you so," in my mind, would be an insult to the people that elected you. One more thing, yes this is going to be expensive for the United States. What comes easy and for free? Nothing of value, that's what. I agree that we need to reel in the national deficit through austerity measures, I will give you that. Crippling this bill will only further depress a nation that is showing political fervor in a way that makes me proud to be an American.

On the abortion issue, I say: you should be ashamed President Obama. You have floundered once again and look weak on the national and international scales at a time when the country most needs your strength. All the more disappointing, you weren't even kowtowing to your arch nemesis, the Republican Party. It was crazy Orthodox Christians of your own political association that ruined a decidedly divisive issue. Once again, Religion has poisoned something that could have been even better. I can't stand these pseudo cult members making themselves comfortable in our governing body. If you aren't aware of what I'm talking about concerning Religion's dangerous hand in the world, please read God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens and watch Religulous, a documentary by one of my all-time favorites, Bill Maher.

Please comment and start discussions. This is just the very vanguard of what I could say about such sweeping moves towards Universal Health Care. No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I Speak

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