Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Son Will Never Be a Choir Boy

It has come to my attention that the Catholic church feels that it can do anything it pleases without any threat of reprisal. This is a man-made institution that has duped millions of brain-washable idiots into believing anything it says. When are we going to put a stop to the perverse acts committed by these self proclaimed prophets? Child rape causes long lasting effects, such as distrust, trouble regulating emotions, and general feelings of "uselessness." Many doctors have theorized that it becomes difficult for kids that have been raped to sustain stable relationships later in life, due to trust issues. Can you blame them? No, but we can do something about it.

The rest of the common world has come to the conclusion that sexually abusing young boys is a big "no no," when are the supporters of this evil monarchy going to take a second look at what they're supporting both directly and indirectly? What really grinds my gears is that because of the divine nature of the church, many of these violations go un-reported. You can draw the conclusion that many go un-disclosed because of shame, but I believe there are many that would rather stick their head's in the sand than really deal with the issues at hand.

This time it looks like the pope himself is involved with the voluntarily covering up of one of his cronies, or at the very minimum turning a blind-eye. This makes me ponder the question, has the pope himself taken a more active role in these rapes? Has he helped to quell the issue due to sick empathy? To make matters worse, the boys in question were disabled. Yes you read it, high ranking church officials were taking advantage of young boys that couldn't hear. You sick fucks! Like these boys don't have enough issues trying to adapt to a life without sound?

Here's an account from one of the victims,

"Victims give similar accounts of Father Murphy’s pulling down their pants and touching them in his office, his car, his mother’s country house, on class excursions and fund-raising trips and in their dormitory beds at night,” Goodstein wrote. “Arthur Budzinski said he was first molested when he went to Father Murphy for confession when he was about 12, in 1960."(http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/28/opinion/28dowd.html?sudsredirect=true)

This gives you an idea of the breadth of indiscretions. This wasn't just a "one time thing" or a mistake, this was flat out child manipulation and rape. The people of this country and other countries around the world, Germany specifically, should decisively and aggressively take action. In my honest opinion one of the best things we could do for the world, is to dismantle the Catholic church altogether. It has done nothing but ravage the minds and lives of millions. Taking much and giving little, but false hope to those disenfranchised or too young to understand. It's time we stop them from preying on the weak and weak-minded. Hell, if we can pass health care reform, we can put an end to the Catholic church, if not, at least rape within it. No Apologies, I Don't Think Before I speak


  1. Chris you have become a somewhat of a liberal, i cant help but think some of my opinions rubbed off on you. Bye the way, i like the blog a lot.

  2. Hey George, thanks man. I thought I should do something with this shiny Journalism degree other than hanging it on the wall. Comments are always appreciated and don't forget to take everything I say as rhetorical hyperbole.

  3. Feels weird to comment, because you know I'm not very opinionated and rarely do I speak up, unless of course I'm trying to be funny. In fact, I'm uncomfortable typing right now...anyway...I just feel that, 1. yes you have some good points, Of Course rape should be stopped no matter what the situation, religion, whatever, its an awful and hideous action no matter how you cut it. HOWEVER, I'm not saying one way or another whether I do or don't support catholicism, and to be honest I haven't really thought all that much about it, with that being said, I'm thinking that maybe there's another side. Maybe these children have parents, parents who may be gullible or maybe just plain old negligent....maybe more than one person is at fault? Please do not misinterpret what I'm saying, it is a horrendous thing that is happening and seems to be happening over and over again, but I feel that more than one party could perhaps be responsible.

    I understand that you feel quite strongly about relgion and you seem to dislike it with a passion, but realistically, how are you grouping all religion and all of the people who practice religion together?? Almost feels like stereotyping. Maybe I'm not being fair to you, but I feel like there is always two sides to a story and if you only search and research one side of it,is that being fair or just??
    -without expectations of an apology and hoping you love me unconditionally ;)
