Thursday, March 18, 2010

A View from the Outside

I was just looking over my first post and my past reads like a video application for a reality television show, Real World here I come. Which character archetype would I be? Please don’t say the alcoholic instigator. It just isn’t so. Multiple family divorces/spats, boarding school, and a half sister that’s twelve years younger than me, as a cherry on top. All I need now is my father to marry a woman twenty years younger as his trophy and to buy a gaudy cherry red sports car. It reminded me of a few years back, when my older sister and I would go shopping and bring the half-ling along with us and I could feel the eyes of strangers upon us like hawks, trying to figure out if our half sister was our offspring, or merely a result of what I call the “Great American Family.” No apologies, I Don’t Think Before I Speak

Next blog - Tiger Woods You Are a Putz

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