Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello World, I'm Going to Tear You a New One

I write my thoughts because I know if I was to spout my random verbal diarrhea (my opinion) in public, one of the follow would surely ensue: I’d get slapped, someone would throw change in my hat, or I’d get elected to public office.

I attribute my free flowing idealisms to a teacher I had in ninth grade of boarding school. Yes, that’s right boarding school. Back the fuck off, I wasn’t a troubled kid and no it wasn’t an all boys outfit…at least the second one wasn’t, oops. Where was I? Oh ya, free flowing idealisms, or what many would call, “rants and raves” (could that idiom be overused by bloggers a little more?) My ninth grade teacher used to make us sit down at the beginning of class and “free write” where the pencil was intended to translate whatever might be running through the head of a pubescent teen early in the morning.

The catch was that you couldn’t stop writing the entire time. I couldn't ever predict quite what was going to come flying out. I’m assuming most simpletons were writing about repressed thoughts and memories-boy wouldn’t Freud be proud, but I was writing all the crazy things that shouldn’t be said, put on paper, or hell, even thought. Instead of honing this skill and realizing that if I'd just put this on the internet, blogging would have been mine, I brushed it off as a teacher trying maybe just a little too hard. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Fuck, I was ahead of the curve and I didn't even know it. Whats the saying? Hindsight is 20/20?

What authority do I have to be self publishing my work online? None, I’m over educated and underemployed. I’m a die hard Red Sox fan that drinks too much and probably fornicates too little. I’m 24 years old and have little life experience, so what? What have you ever done? You may call me an internet tough guy. In many ways that’s dead-on and as a response I’m going to tell you the truth subjectively about whatever I want, exactly how you don’t want to hear it. No apologies, I Don’t Think Before I Speak

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